Wednesday, July 27, 2016

"Change Maker"

More Like Money Maker
Where have I heard this before? "Change Maker" Did hope and change turn into "Change Maker?" Bill Clinton said Hillary was the best darn "Change Maker" he's ever known. Really? What has she ever changed? She wouldn't even get a divorce from her husband after he had multiple affairs. She voted to go to war with Iraq. She gave a disgraced DNC official an honorary chair in her campaign and that's a "Change Maker?' What kind of creepy double speak is that?
I only watched some of the livestreamed DNC, yesterday. I saw the Bernie delegates walk out of the convention. They feel betrayed and I don't blame them, in a way, but Bernie going all in with the Democrats was predicted long ago by Chris Hedges at Truthdig. I don't know how Bernie could start a revolution with a bang and then kind of slink away, telling everyone to vote for someone as slimey as Hillary. I don't know if there has ever been a time when two very disliked, unpopular people have run for president before. No one likes either of these choices. Yet this is the "choice" which isn't a choice at all.
It get's to the point where you can't listen to this garbage anymore.
I don't know how long the Democratic infomercial went on last night, I threw out my TV years ago.
The last thing I want to see is Chelsea Clinton and her Goldman Sachs hedge fund husband, clapping wildly, for her corrupt parents that foot the bill for her lifestyle. Now a bunch of Republicans have asked the IRS to investigate The Clinton Foundation. They have investigated this woman so many times, it's like she's Teflon. All the emails Wikileaks released did nothing, she just continues to get on with her agenda. I think it's kind of creepy that Hillary was in New York while everyone was in Philly nominating her, and she appeared like a disembodied apparition on video.
 In 2008 Barack Obama made a "surprise" appearance with Joe Biden when he was nominated. So I don't get why she wasn't there? What does that say? Was she tired and she needed to take a bath in her own bath tub the night she got nominated? It doesn't make sense that she wouldn't have run on stage and hugged Bill or whatever. I guess she was practicing her big speech for tonight, because she's a change maker and she's going to tell us all about the things she's going to change.
 It's a joke and from what I can see, She's alienated so many people. she is so out of touch. Hillary is not a likeable candidate, I really think they may have miscalculated, not understanding (or refusing to) and Bernie supporters will vote for Trump or flock to the Green Party's Jill Stein.
I can't imagine what she could possibly say to struggling Americans, who are angry and sick of the status quo, to make them believe she will be the Chief Maker OF Change "Change Maker" You think they'd want to get away from the whole "hope and change" thing since nothing did. It's not very clever and shows a lack of insight and creativity. Maybe that's the point. They don't have any.


  1. Greetings Patricia! I did not get to watch any of the DNC or the RNC for that matter, seen a few brief clips on the news, but didnt pay atencion ... I mean like, you know what they are going to say ... each party will claim they are "good" and their opponent is "evil" heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) For some according to MSM, it was history because the first woman nominated of course, which is great, but after everyone sobers up, they will have to face reality. I expected Bernie as well to endorse Clinto, he said since the start that he would endorse the Dem nomineee regardless and not run 3rd party, he kept his word only, that is because he has integrity, and many others dont. My buddy called me earlier and asked if I watched the DNC last night, I told him "no", he said it had some good speeches, etc (and he's a libertarian, he played music with me for long, he's a guitarist too) ... But I told him that he what he seen on the tele, was all pre- programmed to look like everyone was united and in love or whatever ... I told him to go online to people like TYT or progressive media to see the video and response of what MSM would not show, they were ousting people from that convention left and right, even making sure they were not heard, they ousted even Nina Turner ... Abby Martin was arrested and detained, she even had press media credentials, anyone who even looked like they oppose or question Hillary or the establishment was escorted away and many detained, or made to stay in secured perimeters away from sight ... just goes to show you Patricia what democracy has become, and what happened to our 1st amendment rights ... they're in the shitter, plain and simple. Enouh from my mouth though ... Thank You for the read Patricia ... hope things are well with you. BTW ... you said you had a Gibson SG and Ibanez 12 string acoustic ... NICE! {:-)

    1. What I saw that was super creepy, is Hillary on that flat screen, like a hologram. It was so weird and I wonder if their wasn't some kind of reason for it. She was in New York and the rumor has always been that's where Bill operates from, while she lives in DC. There was something Orwellian about it. What was weird was that very few people other than bloggers took notice. I just couldn't wrap my head around it and I am a trained artist. It had like that V for Vendetta feel about it. I still can't shake it. It was a bit Wizard of Ozish.
      I hope the link to that gif works, because it's just so weird when I look at that. Check out those lights over her head like a halo. That's not an accident. This image is very primal, the Egyptian Goddess Isis is shown wearing red. these particular details are all well thought out. Also that crazy "glass ceiling" that shattered. The floor littered with past presidents. Yeah I get that it's symbolic and she's the first woman. I don't know maybe she's trying to be Kali the Goddess of destruction. Remember that this is televised all over the world and that was a very potent way of telling the world that she can break shit and it will tumble down all over you. Don't think for a minute, that wasn't a very real statement. I am sure this is way more than you wanted to know, but that's what an artist does, Peace

  2. Also let me add that large numbers of Bernie delegates were not even allowed in the hall, something got screwed up as far as ID's or something, I need to read up on it ... it's just so unbelievably biased and pre- paid

    1. Ranch, I did see that the Bernie delegates, left the hall and some went into the media tenet, some with their moths taped shut. The police shut down the exits so no one could enter or leave. I could not believe the rows of police trying to keep CREDENTIALED DELEGATES, from yes, using free speech, they weren't out on the street. It was really intimidating. The DNC ejected the Bernie volunteers. It was pretty disappointing, but that's where we are. I am just glad I am not anywhere around there, and it's my home town. I am at the point where I just stay creative and try to make something beautiful everyday, like you do with your music. Peace.

  3. Um Patricia? While I'm not enamored of Hillary, think of the alternative. Any significant vote for Jill Stein (or for nobody) is a vote for a Trump administration that would give us higher taxes for the poor, lower taxes for the rich, an end or at least a cutback to Social Security and Medicare, domestic social chaos, and if Donald has any luck the Russian reoccupation of former iron curtain countries. With a little more luck, we might even get a nuclear holocaust.

    So I'm going to grit my teeth and vote for Hillary. Let's keep Bernie in the game, to keep Hillary's feet to the fire. But for heaven's sake, don't let Donald within a country mile of the White House.

    Yours very crankily,
    The New York Crank

    1. My dear Crank, You vote for Hillary, you are free to vote or not vote. I can't vote anymore. I know too much now and I know that these "choices" are the illusion of choice. Let's say Donald gets into the Oval office (which I do believe he will) he will be told what he can and can't do. Remember Reagan? B movie actor? It will probably, be like that. Bill Clinton got rid of Glass-Steagle, which led to economic destruction, if you think Hillary will be any different than a Wall Street sell out, sorry, but that's reality. As for nuclear codes. Nope, the President can't make that decision alone. He can't just press a button or get on that bat phone without multiple fail safes, and by the way I am way more afraid of a war with Hillary in charge than Donald. There is simply no difference, they are controlled by the same corporate interests and if you look at The Clinton Foundation and the money they take from Arab Royals, it's appalling. Sorry man, can't do the vote thing. But I respect your right to do so. Good Luck.

  4. Very nicely argued, P.

    I'm twittering you.


  5. Thanx for the link Patricia, I actually seen that, but didnt think much of it. But I see your view being an artist, sometimes I view things from a perspective of art myself (no, I'm NOT an artist, I can barely make "stick men" {:-) ... it could make a good story at least!

    1. Well, I had so much fun with that thing I had to blog it
      God, what is Hillary gonna do tonite?(Cringeworthy I bet)
      Go click on the link to the right that says Bootstrap Studios and you can see my work! Stick figures have a place in the art world. I think Keith Haring started out with them Basquiat was kind of an awkward draftsman
