Wednesday, August 16, 2017

"It's On Both Sides, Both Sides."

For weeks, Americans have been whipsawed with threats of their already crappy healthcare being taken away. Then,  nuclear war with North Korea. Now, the aftermath of a protest gone wrong in Charlottesville, Virginia, and people still think our government or it's leader are going to say some magic words, so everything will be great again.
Whether you think Trump said the truth about "both sides" being violent or if you believe that  Neo-Nazi's wanted a peaceful protest, and anti-fa started it all.
 Maybe you were heartened by the pushback from of all people, Paul Ryan;

Anyone who thinks Paul Ryan gives a damn about anything but his re-election is seriously deluded. He was all in to repeal and NOT replace healthcare. 
One thing this country stands for, is making a profit off of sick people, oh, and bombs, lot's of bombs.
This summer has been nothing but a show. 
The greatest show on earth. 
All during the 2016 election I heard so much talk about Trump. 
He's going to give us all healthcare and he's going to get jobs back. 
I didn't hear anyone say how much they'd love a war with North Korea, or how wonderful it would be to see Trump sign a bill taking away healthcare and have no single payer to replace it. 
You know what? 
I don't hear anyone talking about him now. No one who voted for him has anything to say, it's like they went back to sleep after Trump fed them a poison apple. 
You know, I don't blame them. 
Mostly, they have Fox News or CNN blaring out of their TV's all day. 
All through the North Korean missile crises, my friends were strangely silent. They are even quieter now after the Charlottesville protest. 
I think they are shell shocked and have no way of explaining what exactly is happening in our society. 
Nothing adds up. 
People are mainlining heroin like there's no tomorrow and the mainstream media would have us believe that's true.
 ISIS is coming for us, North Korea is going to bomb us or Guam or the ocean, AGAIN. 
We are expected to believe what is coming out of these liars and frauds mouths. Not only the people who are elected but the people on TV, who spend everyday scaring Americans silly. 
I have no dog in this fight, I don't vote, I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I don't want anything to do with any party and I can't believe after the months of chaos that our government has handed the American people, that anyone will go to the polls in November, and dutifully vote for the next local Republican or Democrat mayor, that will install her husband at the local Municipal Works, or the Democrat or Republican congressmen who's daughter will be hired, working on whatever party's  governors staff. It goes on and on, to the very top, where Trump has installed his daughter and son-in-law in the White House.
 He doesn't care about anything, but how much money his businesses will make out of this sweet president deal he's got, for however long it lasts. 
It's a racket, it's a scam.
 Here's another example, Jason Kessler, the man in charge of Unite the Right, the man who co-ordinated the "alt-right"protest in Charlottesville. It looks like he's not only a petty thief, but there's some sort of connection with him in the Occupy Movement. My point being, whether it's elected officials getting jobs for their spouses and kids or Kessler's shifting allegiances, moving wherever the wind blows him, these people don't care. 
You have to wonder what will be tomorrows distraction? Russia? Syria?
Anything, but looking at the people elected to run a functioning government. 
They can't and they won't. 
They are paid off by the banks, the oil industry, Big Pharma, the insurance companies. 
That's who your really voting for, and guess what? 
It's on "both sides, both sides."
You can take that to the bank.


  1. I know that everyone doesn't have the same reason for voting for particular candidates. But when it comes to Donald Trump, the Republicans I know didn't express economic reasons or institutional reasons for voting for him.

    One friend (who didn't vote for him initially) expressed it this way:

    Friend: "I didn't vote for him, but he's really won me over."

    Me: "How?"

    Friend: "The way he makes fun of liberals and the media."

    Me: "Aw, so y'all hate the same people..."

    Some just wanted to vote for Rush Limbaugh. And they apparently got that.

  2. More than one person said to me, at least he's not Hillary Clinton. If you look at the things Trump said before his election, he was saying a LOT of the things Bernie Sanders was. Like "beautiful healthcare for everyone" People actually believed he was truthful. He's a salesman. That's it! Thanks for stopping by, Harry!
