Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Pink Hats, Protests, and Why No Lives Matter

So, the March For Our Lives is over, and honestly, it probably will have about as much of an effect as the Macy's Day Parade on Thanksgiving.
We've had the Women's March with those ridiculous hats.
 We've had a March For Climate Change, which did nothing, since Trump cancelled the Paris Climate Change agreement.
All these marches are, is a spectacle for TV ratings. They do nothing.
I have seen arguments about whether Emma Gonzalez actually ripped up the Constitution, or whether David Hogg was
Did she or didn't she? 
actually at the school when the Parkland shooting happened.
We need more gun control, but, it will never happen.
What's really weird is you don't see anyone in the streets protesting about Nuking North Korea or bombing Syria or Yemen.
 All of that is ok, I guess.
We will bomb children going to school halfway around the world, then we get mad when someone starts killing American children, then there will be a big march.
We had Occupy Wall Street, protesting against corporate power and inequality. We had Black Lives Matter and police still kill with impunity.
People have every right to march and protest, but it's like a flash mob, here and gone, then the government quietly gets back to what it's doing and doesn't miss a beat.
Petitions will be signed, protests will happen, however, our institutionalized system  is impervious to change.
May Day Protest, 1971
Unlike the arrests that happened during the Vietnam protests, which were in the thousands,
No arrests were made in this state sanctioned protest.
 This tells me everything I need to know about what probably won't happen.
In order for society to change we have to be willing to live by the rules of a society people want to create.
 As far as I can see, that choice has been taken away by a corporatocracy and a MSM owned by said corporatocracy.
Propaganda and fear porn will keep people stuck in front of a TV, believing everything they see, that our overlords tell us is true.
Including, marches, that the MSM media will exploit for ratings, keeping "reporters" or TV personalities busy and employed, which will bring no change.
This March For Our Lives, will become co-opted into a non-profit.
Employing people with donations.
 People think this new non-profit March For Our Lives might have some kind of influence on gun control. So far, the only thing I could find was some legislation about the amount of ammunition you can buy. which has already happened in California.
We live under an increasingly absurd and ridiculous administration.
When you have a porn actress who probably slept with the president, all over the news like a reality show, then the president investigates his own son-in-law for taking more than $500 million in bribes, does anyone really think  March For Our Lives is going to matter, when Trump has his next tantrum and starts poking at North Korea or Russia?
There will be the next distraction and the next, an investigation, or another bizarre attack somewhere.
Hate to say it, but this march will probably go the way of the pink hats.

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