Friday, October 5, 2018

When Is A Justice Not Justice?

When is a FBI investigation, not an FBI investigation?
When do you vote in a judge for SCOTUS?
On a weekend.
Probably after midnight. When no one is paying attention.
 I Wonder how many Democrats will vote for him?
This is from the UK, how crazy does that guy look?

An overly emotional, frustrated, sharp toned dude, who gets drunk and forces himself on women, provides us with some kind of weird apology, sorry not sorry, op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.
Oh okay.
Why didn't you say that in the first place?
It's kind of scary how my last post pretty much accurately predicted that these craven politicians are going to just plow on with their stack the Supreme Court strategy.
These million year old white men in power, who always get their way, if not their man. 
They care about one thing.
Controlling women.
It's pretty obvious.
So Brewski McRapey, will probably sail through over the weekend and be in court before anyone knows it.
A man who outright said, during his testimony, that there was a Clinton conspiracy against him, is going to be put on the highest court of the land.
Don't forget his threat, "what goes around, comes around."
Nobody cared and I guess it's gonna come around alright, when he get's sworn in and then he can get busy seeking retribution for whatever he wants.
Mainly keeping dudes like him in power and everyone else can go pound salt.
Flake will vote yes and so will any of the GOPer's who try to pretend otherwise.

Flake's got nothing to lose and neither do all the other politicians that are retiring.
I doubt after Monday anyone is going to remember the meltdown we saw last week and it will be business as usual.
The whole country has a collective case of amnesia, as soon as Trump tweets something new.
Ever since Citizens United and corporations achieved personhood, we've been screwed.
Speaking of which, did everyone get that "Presidential Text"?
Didn't anyone think it was weird that EVERYONE'S phone got it? Didn't anyone wonder how? Who has every American's phone number?
So. Many. Questions.
During a week with so much crazy drama, we just happened to get a text,
originating from FEMA. but it says "Presidential Alert."
If I ever get a text from that joker, I won't be following his directions.
It wouldn't surprise me if Trump's generals told him about the FEMA mass text and Trump said;  "Let's make it presidential" so they did! So he could feel like he was actually in charge of something, and the people who voted for Trump could say Trump actually texted them.
 I bet that's exactly what happened.
Almost like he personally tweeted everyone's phone.
He's like a creepy ex you went no contact with, only you can't block him.
At least with no TV, I don't have to watch Kavanaugh cry or Trump on the news.
Now Trump can harass me on my phone.
He better not bother me over the weekend.
Have a good one everyone!

You can follow the artist that made the image above on twitter @wefail


  1. That piece of art at the top of the posting in UK is a good piece of work (well, at least in my view). Uhhh, Slippery Paws Kavanaugh ... I have tele, but dont keep up with as much as I should I guess. I did catch some news early this morning, it appears, that the Senate are gung- ho to push this guy through. I can understand if Kavanaugh REALLY did not do this, he is upset ... but I have to question his innocence, and I dont believe much of what he sayz. I think this whole ordeal should be dealt with like a "mistrail" would, and thrown out, but obviously republicans are not likely to do that. It is legal, if something come up on Kavanaugh later, they can impeach him. I cant say if he did do it, so my opinions on him are just that. From what I gather though, he was one of them types that are common to hear about in them college frats ... I mean, even when I was younger, I never hung around with assholes like that. And it isnt just the woman thing, it's that his type are a dime a dozen and so bland, and just plain assholish. As far as his so called morals, or anyones, I dont give two shits and a half about christian peoples morals or the pushing them on others and liking to dictate (they're like a cult) ... seen one, you seen em all ... a herd f'n mentality, that has no originality. He could have answered the questions much differently with his background, he is no more fit to be a judge, than Trump is fit to be a president. What gets me about these folks, is how high up they are in our societies, so well educated, well cultured, etc, etc ... people like myself without any formal education are basically viewed as shit by these types. I'm actually glad I wasnt raised like these folks, or unable to hang with them. If Kavanaugh though really feels that there is an attack on him from the left (which I agree there partly is too), and the way he handles that is bad. And it is bad news if he gets put on the bench ... why? because of his anger, and the need to attack people on the left, he will almost certainly be biased in his decision making. Meaning I feel that he would attack rights from free speech to womens right to choice and a slew of other things. It's bad enough, that our SCOTUS is out of balance right now, as well as our so called representation in Washington. Dont et me wrong, I have no problem with how these assholes talk and conduct their lives, or if they're racist, sexist or whatever thoughts they have. My issue is that they are not balanced enough to represent such a diversity as our country, whether it's in the court or Washington. I'm outta here Patricia, have a good one.

  2. BTW, what I meant by "mistrial" and throwing it out, is not the case of what he done, but just throwing him out as a choice, and excluding him. And they CAN DO this, without the so called damage to his familia, his career or whatever, by just reaching a decision, that his background for this "position" had too much controversy, and too much public backlash, and they need to withdraw from nominating him, for various reasons. And as prosecutors will point out, there is no way by law, that you can make a solid case out of this, and the years it been are too long ... so we cant get nothing on this guy anywayz as far as this case, or making any. Even Kavanaugh because of this, could withdraw, and say it is just too much strain on the people, and do it if anything, out of politeness. But again, republicans are on a war path to get him in.

    1. Kavanaugh and Trump are both sociopaths with no conscience. They are very uncomfortable to be around which is why you probably avoid these types. We didn;t have a big frat life when I was in college, but I tend to stay away from organized things like frats or religion. Anytime you have a hierarchy, there's usually trouble. People should learn to be more autonomous. But, unfortunately, the majority like being told what to do. That;s the biggest problem in this country. No ability to think for themselves. Way too gullible. Kavanaughs behavior is enough to tell me this dude is a spoiled crybaby who ALWAYS gets what he wants. Trumps the same, so there you have it. Mexico is kinda looking good to me. Lol
